About Us
Welcome to Light As A Feather Meal Prep!
The first question that we receive from all of you is “Why Light As A Feather as your business name”? Light As A Feather has a two part meaning that comes together to define what we as a business believe in. Light for the meaning of eating lighter while portioning meals. Feather in symbolization of a dove feather for the meaning of “new beginnings”.
My wife Stephanie and I have been doing this since 2017, starting from home with no culinary school backgrounds but with passions for cooking and health and fitness. I originally started meal prepping for myself as I was training to enter a Mens Physique bodybuilding competition. As friends and family saw how I was eating and leaning out for the competition, they inquired with me to start cooking for them. From there our little side hustle grew into what is now Light As A Feather Meal Prep. My previous work background is 18 years in the banking industry with a total of 23+ years in customer service. Stephanie’s previous work background is 5+ years in food service and catering.
We want to thank all of our amazing clients, family, and friends who have supported us through the years. We are both passionate about what we do, and thankful to all of you who entrust us in helping you lead a healthier lifestyle.
Wilson & Stephanie Catubig